Today on the blog we have E. Michael Helms, author of "Of Blood and Brothers: Part I and Part II". As you all probably know by now, I have a special spot in my heart for Civil War historicals, so I immensely enjoyed the first part of this epic family saga. Here is the synopsis of both novels:
Thus begins the first of many sessions with the Malburn brothers. The saga unfolds in their own words with wit, wisdom and sometimes, sadness. Before long the brothers are confronting troubled pasts and conjuring up ghosts laid buried throughout the long post-war years. Calvin is swept along by the harrowing eyewitness account of our nation’s most trying era, through bloody battles, personal trials and losses, and the mutual love of a beautiful young woman.
The war ends, but trouble stalks the Malburns in post-war Florida. Amid the violent days of Reconstruction, Daniel and Elijah face continuing conflict, family turmoil, and heart-wrenching tragedy as they struggle toward a hard-earned and costly reconciliation.
A big welcome to Michael!
CW: Tell us a bit about yourself. When did you turn to
EMH: After high school graduation I joined the Marine Corps
and served in combat during the height of the Vietnam War. A couple of years
after my discharge, I tried a semester of college. I took a creative writing
course, and on the first day of class we were required to write an essay. The
professor was impressed with what I wrote, and immediately transferred me to an
advanced class with full credit for the one I’d signed up for. I later dropped
out of college because I felt like I didn’t fit in with the other students. I
seemed so much older, although that really wasn’t the case. Whatever talent I
might have had lay latent for the next dozen years or so. I eventually joined a
VA counseling group for combat veterans struggling with PTSD. Our counselor
suggested I start “journaling” as a way of getting my feelings down on paper,
sort of a purging process. The journal soon took the form of a book, and
resulted in my Vietnam
memoir, The Proud Bastards, first published in 1990. It has remained in
print for over twenty years, currently with Simon & Schuster/Pocket.
CW: “Of Blood and Brothers: Book One” focuses on two brothers
who are seemingly torn apart by their loyalties during the Civil War. What
appealed to you about this era and/or plotline?
EMH: I've been a Civil War “buff” for as long as I can
remember. Although “brother against brother” is a common and well-used theme
for novels about the war, I chose to use it because there was a real family
(the Mashburns) who lived near where I grew up and actually faced that
situation during the Civil War. Additionally, when I was nine or ten, there
were a couple of elderly brothers who lived in my neighborhood whose father had
fought for the Confederacy during the war. Those two old gents would regale my
friends and me for hours with stories about their father’s exploits fighting
the “damnyankees.” Their speech patterns and colorful language gave rise to the
voices of Daniel and Elijah Malburn, the brothers in my two-volume saga, Of
Blood and Brothers.
CW: The novel has a
very authentic feel to it. To me, it called to mind Majorie Kinnan Rawlings’
work in terms of setting. How did you go about capturing that?
EMH: As mentioned before, I grew up in the area where the
“Malburn” brothers lived and died, just north of the Gulf Coast
in the Florida Panhandle. As a kid, I camped, swam, fished, and hunted near the
Malburn homestead, so I am intimately familiar with the area. I also drew on my
personal combat experiences to lend authenticity to the battle scenes in Of
Blood and Brothers. Weapons and tactics may change through the centuries,
but when it comes right down to it, closing with and destroying the enemy in
battle is a common denominator in all wars. I also walked over the very ground
where both brothers experienced their own horrific battle experiences in Georgia ,
Tennessee ,
and Florida .
Add to that a ton of research over a period of years and you have my answer.
CW: Who is your favorite author or book?
EMH: That’s a tough one, but I’d have to say Erich Maria
Remarque, author of All Quiet on the Western Front, The Road Back, and a
slew of other wonderful novels. The two I mentioned told (fictionally) of his
experiences as a German foot soldier during WWI, and the struggles returning
veterans faced in the years immediately following the “War to End All Wars.”
I’ve also become
a huge fan of Ross Macdonald and his “Lew Archer” mysteries, although I never
read a single one until I’d finished the first three novels in my Mac McClellan
Mystery series. So, Mac is no copycat of Lew, but he may pick up a few pointers
as the series progresses. (Note: Deadly Catch: A Mac McClellan Mystery
was released in November 2013. Deadly Ruse is due for release November
CW: Random question: If you could meet any historical
personage, who would it be?
EMH: Another tough one, but I would probably choose Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain. His
dry wit and body of work are, in my opinion, incomparable in the realm of
American literature. I can’t begin to tell you how many hours of entertainment
he provided me as a young reader. I’d love to sit on the porch of his family
home at Hartford, Conneticuit, enjoy a drink with him, and pick his brain. Some
say he’s still there, in spirit form, as his and other family members’ ghosts
have been reported in the home, now restored as a museum.
CW: Thanks so much for stopping in, Michael!
* * *
For more information on Michael or his books (which include a mystery series and a military historical), check out his website. Michael is also on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. "Of Blood and Brothers Part One and Part Two" are both available in ebook form as well as paperback. Please Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Books-A-Million to purchase.
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